Geistliche Bausteine aus dem geoffenbarten Wort dieser Stunde, zusammengestellt von Gerd Rodewald. Die Sammlung der Geistlichen Bausteine stellt in konzentrierter Weise dar, was die Botschaft Gottes für unseren Tag über gewisse wichtige Themen sagt.
"Es wird jemand kommen mit einer Botschaft, die direkt mit der Bibel übereinstimmt, und ein schnelles Werk wird um die Erde gehen. Die Samen werden in Zeitungen gehen, Lesematerial, bis jeder vorherbestimmte Same Gottes sie gehört hat." [Br. Branham in "Leitung-Ordnung-Belehrung", COD-S. 724]
Die Geistlichen Bausteine werden in folgende Sprachen übersetzt: Arabisch, Bemba, Cebuano, Chinesisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Englisch, Ewe, Französisch, Hindi, Ilongo, Kinyarwanda, Malayalam, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Punjabi, Rumänisch, Runyakitora, Russisch, Spanisch, Swahili, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Chichewa, Urdu.
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- 1. Let The Blood Be Applied And Then Apply The Token!
- 2. Just Get Christ in the Heart; It Will Take Care of the Rest
- 3. The Mystery of the Cross Now Revealed - Christianity is Self-Denial
- 4. Calvary Should Be Remembered Every Day!
- 5. Worship Him in Spirit and Truth
- 6. The Latter Rain Harvest Rain, Rapturing Faith
- 7. The Only Thing You Have to Do is Just Accept It!
- 8. What is Faith?
- 9. Blessed Assurance
- 10. First Step: Get In The Spirit!
- 11. With the Spirit of Meekness, Receive Christ, the Word !
- 12. Therefore Put on the Whole Armour of God
- 13. No Judgement Because They Judged Themselves
- 14. Recognize Your Position In Christ
- 15. The Divine Identification
- 16. Right Now We Reign With Christ !
- 17. Whoso Offereth Praise, Glorifieth Me
- 18. The Dwelling Place of God
- 19. God Heals!
- 20. The Chastening Of Our Father
- 21. God Is Behind Every Move
- 22. We Are The Wife Of Christ, Bringing Forth Children
- 23. How Important: To Abide in Him !
- 24. The Bride Ministers to Christ, the Word
- 25. But When That Which is Perfect Is Come...
- 26. Does a Christian Live Through a Royal Law ?
- 27. The Word is Spirit in Word Form - Walk in the Spirit -
- 28. The Seven Dimensions - The Fourth Dimension -
- 29. Our Redemptive Blessings Through the Victory of the Cross
- 30. Going for the Souls of the Lost and the Dying
- 31. My Strength Is Made Perfect In Weakness
- 32. The Holy Spirit Is Divine Love
- 33. Adoption - Placing Into The Position Of A Son -
- 34. When You Begin to Think His Thoughts
- 35. It Is Testing Time
- 36. This Is the Capstone Revelation of Himself
- 37. A Christian Is At Rest
- 38. (A) How – When – Where Is The Third Pull Active ?
- 38. The First, Second and Third Pull of the Son of Man Jesus Christ
- 39. The Character of Him Must Be Molded
- 40. God’s Looking For Character
- 41. The Unveiling Of God In Our Days
- 42. The Great Reward
- 43. Our Promise: The Divine Restoration
- 44. The Lord’s Day
- 45. The World in Birth Pains
- 46. The Natural and The Spiritual Man
- 47. The Serpent’s Seed
- 48. Thy Will Be Done
- 49. Prayer Is The Keynote
- 50. The Promised Land is to Live in the Land of the Holy Spirit
- 51. The Standard in Life For Doing God’s Will
- 52. The Seal of God
- 53. Create a Spiritual Atmosphere
- 54. His Spirit Transforms The Predestinated Seed
- 55. The Seed of God
- 56. The Word Must Grow
- 57. As We Drink, We Grow
- 58. Christ In You, the Inexhaustible Fountain of Life
- 59. Where is the Place of Worship Today?
- 60. It’s on the Inside of You
- 61. To Know Him is Life
- 62. The Trumpets
- 63. The Royal Seed of Abraham Will Possess the Gates of the Enemy
- 64. Receive a Rapturing Faith
- 65. Intellectual Faith or Heart Faith
- 66. Complexes
- 67. Controlled by God’s Super Sense
- 68. Obedience Is What God Wants
- 69. Two Natures
- 70. The Natural and the Spiritual Seed of Abraham
- 71. Israel’s Blindness Has Been Our Pardon
- 72. The Mystery About the Spiritual, Biblical Israel
- 73. Never done!
- 74. Grace Is Been Brought To You By Revelation of Jesus Christ
- 75. The Wise and the Foolish Virgins
- 76. Intellectual Conception or Spiritual Revelation
- 77. The One Baptism
- 78. The Hidden God
- 79. God Acts In Due Season
- 80. Revelation Yes – But How ?
- 81. Let the Presence of Jesus Christ, The Word, Have Preeminence
- 82. Our Place Of Refuge
- 83. Therefore Now No Condemnation
- 84. To Be an Epistle of God
- 85. Only Safe, When This Token Is Displayed
- 86. In The Blood Covenant Is Redemption, Forgiveness and Healing
- 87. Called According To God's Purpose
- 88. Do We Have the Right Motive and Objective?
- 89. Fellowship with God is so Vital
- 90. Overcoming The Temptation Through Jesus Christ
- 91. Jesus Christ - The Mighty Conqueror
- 92. Rightly Dividing The Word of God
- 93. The Mystery of Predestination
- 94. How Long Will Jesus Christ Be There As Our High Priest and Mediator ? (Part I)
- 95. We Have a Mediator Sitting At The Right Hand of God To Make Intercession (Part II)
- 96. A Powerful Weapon: Committed To The Lord
- 97. Our Inheritance: The Sonship
- 98. Now We Have The Earnest Of Our Inheritance
- 99. His Wife Hath Made Herself Ready
- 100. Theophany
- 101. To Loose and to Bind - Key to the Kingdom of God
- 102. The Kingdom Of God
- 103. Reflection Of The Messiah
- 104. Fighting For The Inheritance In The Promised Land
- 105. Manifesting God's Promises - But How ?
- 106. The Seven Thunders of Revelation 10
- 107. Thinking Positive According to the Word
- 108. Discern Your Thoughts By The Word Of God
- 109. Manifestation of the Thoughts of God
- 110. Resist The Devil
- 111. The Strongest Weapons
- 112. The Time Of Redemption Now
- 113. The Glorious Millennium
- 114. The Leadership Of God
- 115. Deception
- 116. The Anointing Of God
- 117. The False Anointed Ones
- 118. Anointed With The False Spirit
- 119. Freedom
- 120. Where Are We Going After Death?
- 121. It Is Just Obedience - That's All
- 122. Hear His Voice
- 123. You have got to learn how to accept God
- 124. Election
- 125. At That Day Ye Shall Know …
- 126. Change Of Dispensation
- 127. Let Brotherly Love Continue
- 128. Revival
- 129. Sanctification
- 130. The Real Baptism With The Holy Spirit
- 131. Evidence Of The Holy Ghost
- 132. The New Birth
- 132. (A) To Approach This New Birth – You Have to Go Through a Process
- 133. The Rapture
- 134. On The Way To The Fullness Of The Resurrection
- 135. Inspiration
- 137. The Power Of God
- 138. The Good Confession
- 139. Mystery of the Transformation of the Bride
- 140. To Enter Into Real Fellowship
- 141. To Be Partakers of the Divine Nature
- 143. Knowing This that Our Old Man Is Crucified with Him
- 144. Christ In You
- 145. Love Will Do It
- 146. The Third Exodus
- 147. To Bring Forth Fruit Unto God
- 148. Revelation (Part I)
- 149. Revelation (Part II)
- 150. Revelation (Part III)
- 151. Looking For The Fulfillment Of The Promises Of God For Our Day
- 152. What God Has Promised For This Day
- 153. Rapturing Grace – Rapturing Faith
- 154. Looking To The Unseen
- 155. Anchored In Christ, the Word
- 156. The Perfection In Christ
- 157. The Opening Of The Seven Seals
- 158. His Second Creation
- 159. The Coming Of The Lord
- 160. The Order Of This Great Rapture
- 161. JESUS CHRIST – The Person, God Himself, Veiled In Human Flesh
- 162. Which Were the Mysteries Revealed by the Opening of the 7 Seals ?
- 163. Who Are You ?
- 164. Realize Who You Are!
- 165. The Mystery of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
- 166. There Is Something In You!
- 167. They Don’t Pray Enough
- 168. Under The Blood
- 169. To Strive Lawfully
- 170. Hold Your Position in CHRIST JESUS
- 171. The Inside of the Inside
- 172. Plan of Redemption
- 173. To Manifest The Presence Of The Living God
- 174. Abide in the Presence of God
- 175. This is the Bride Age
- 176. Capstone Revelation
- 177. The Unseen World and The Supernatural
- 178. The Opening of the Seven (not Six) Seals fulfills Revelation 10
- 179. The Opening Of This Seventh Seal
- 180. The Judgment Seat of Christ
- 181. Eternal Life is Living for Others!
- 182. The Sovereignty of the Local Church
- 183. I Will Restore It
- 184. You got a Purpose, a Target to Hit
- 185. Harvest Time
- 186. The Spiritual Seed: The Elected of God
- 187. There is a Will to do God’s Will
- 188. The Mind of Christ
- 189. The Church has to Lift Itself in the Power of God!
- 190. Manna Ceased in the Promised Land
- 191. Hidden Manna
- 192. The First Step is Repentance Towards God
- 193. He Breaks the Seals, Reveals, Gives us His Inheritance - Our Inheritance Lays In The Promised Land -
- 194. I’m Going to Call You Bride
- 195. The Word Bride – Married to Christ!
- 196. The Sabbath is the Holy Ghost
- 197. What is a Denomination?
- 198. Greatness is Expressed in Humility
- 199. Christ In All Ages
- 200. God’s Secret Mystery Now Revealed
- 201. Who Is the Royal Seed of Abraham ?
- 202. How Can I Overcome?
- 203. The Message Is Christ
- 204. How Does The Law of Life Work in us?
- 205. Any Promise of God is on Conditions
- 206. The Spiritual Kingdom and the Jewish Kingdom
- 207. Life Only Comes By The Spoken Word
- 208. Christian Life is a Continual Sacrifice
- 209. Cleansed by the Holy Ghost and Fire
- 210. He is the High Priest of His Own Word
- 211. You’ve Got to Eat Christ, Which is The Word
- 212. A Clear Channel between us and God
- 213. When You Receive the Word, You Receive JESUS
- 214. Who is the Son of Man? Christ – The Word
- 215. Protected Behind The Word